School Idol Musical – Episode 1
Starting today, we will be releasing subs for School Idol Musical: The Drama! We’re excited to help bring this critical piece of Love Live! lore to a worldwide audience, after being confined to Japanese stages for two years.
The screenplay for this drama is being helmed by the original scriptwriter, director, and choreographer for the musical, Kishimoto Kouki, ensuring that any added material not seen on stage won’t feel out of place. Please enjoy the story from the musical and more as we take a peek into Love Live! history!
Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club – NEXT SKY
It’s been a long journey for the Nijigasaki High School Idol Club. First, they were announced as a group all the way back in 2017. Then, in 2020, right in the middle of COVID, Season One of their anime aired. Two years later, in 2022, Season Two aired. And now, their first OVA has just aired in theaters, and with it comes a BD release of the entire OVA, which we’re proud to present English Subs for!